In a nutshell
Essential for:


Immune System

Body develop-ment in the early stages

Protection from harmful free radicals

Prevention of cholesterol build-up
Key sources:

Wheat germ oil

Sunflower oil and seeds

Olive oil

Peanut butter





Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a crucial antioxidant
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It acts as an antioxidant. This means that an essential role of tocopherols is the protection of body cells from free radicals. Free radicals are made when our body converts eaten food to energy. Besides, there are external sources of free radicals like environmental pollution (including cigarette smoke), harmful UV rays from the sun, and radiation. Free radicals attack cells membrane and DNA molecules and lead to some human diseases.

Tocopherol plays a significant role in the fertilization process. It is also an effective antioxidant that protects body from harmful free radicals.
Vitamin E deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency is actually caused by a lack of appropriate food. Deficiency can increase the risk of getting increased upper respiratory infections, hypertension, fatigue, and muscle aches, and damage the vision.
Vitamin E overdose
Vitamin E overdose can result in excessive bruising injuries and occasionally extra bleeding, and (according to recent research) - contribute to osteoporosis. Pregnant women who overdose on this vitamin can end up causing heart defects in the unborn child. That is why it is essential to let your doctor know about any supplements or vitamins you are taking. Overdoses usually occur when a person takes too much of the vitamin in the form of supplements. Toxicity hardly can be caused by ingesting the vitamin with natural foods.
Daily Recommended Intake
Daily Recommended Intake. The recommended daily intake of the vitamin for adults is 22-24 IU (12-15 mg) and for breastfeeding women 28.5 IU (19 mg). Recent researches didn't prove that excessive daily intake of vitamin E has a reliable positive effect on health.
Sources of vitamin E
• Wheat germ oil (100 g) - 150 mg of vitamin;
• Sunflower oil (100 g) - 41 mg of vitamin;
• Sunflower seed (100 g) - 35 mg of vitamin;
• Nut oils (100 g) - 15-26 mg of vitamin;
• Olive oil (100 g) - 12 mg of vitamin;
• Green vegetables, such as spinach, arugula, broccoli, kale, and asparagus;
• Tomatoes, carrots;
• Kiwifruit;
Factor "X"
Vitamin E was discovered in 1922 by Dr. Kenneth Evans and Ronald Bishop as a fertility factor and was first labeled "factor X". Dr. Bishop suggested giving this vitamin the letter E to designate that it was discovered after vitamin D. The E vitamin is part of a compound group called alpha-tocopherol. Better knowledge of specific elements like alpha-tocopherol can help you make sound decisions that will act in harmony with your existing needs. When it comes to vitamin supplements and nutrition, everyone has different needs. Your doctor or a nutritionist can best determine how tocopherol can feature in an overall master plan diet.