
Coenzyme Q10 benefits

In a nutshell

In a nutshell

  • Almost 95% of energy in the human body is produced with the participation of CoQ10.
  • Aging, smoking, and certain medications cause to decline coenzyme Q10 level.
  • Deficiency symptoms: fatigue, weakness, seizures, migraine headaches.
Key sources:

olive oil

soybean oil


chicken heart


beef heart



Essential for:

energy production



blood vessels

blood vessels


protection from free radicals

Brain health

brain health

Immune System

immune system.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10- ubiquinone- is a fat-soluble substance similar to vitamins. It is produced by the body and can be found in every cell. Coenzyme Q10 is found in higher amounts in specific organs, such as the heart, pancreas, kidney, and liver- organs whose work requires a lot of energy. CoQ10 is not considered as a vitamin (it is produced by the human body - vitamins aren't). But, some reasons lead to CoQ10 serious decline. Those reasons are aging, smoking, and some medications intake - so, we pay attention to CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 benefits

Coenzyme Q10 plays a crucial role in the energy production process. Almost 95% of energy in the human body is produced with the participation of CoQ10. This coenzyme is important for cells growing and for the general maintenance of cells in the body. It is also an excellent antioxidant, meaning that it helps prevent oxidation damage to cells. Q10 is also beneficial for helping strengthen the heart and blood vessels in those with certain heart conditions. CoQ10 is known for its stimulation of immune system. 

Commonly known, that coenzyme Q10 associated with heart and cardiovascular system health. But recent studies show that Q10 supplement intake could also slow down neurodegenerative brain diseases and protect the entire nervous system from age-connected changes. There is some evidence that Q10 can slow Parkinson's Disease progress. Although there are claims that this nutrient may be beneficial to cancer treatment, there is not much evidence to prove this theory.
Coenzyme Q10 deficiency
It is rare for a healthy young person to have a deficiency in CoQ10. Not only does the body produce this coenzyme, but it is also found in certain foods as well.
Deficiency  symptoms include:
• weakness,
• seizures,
 migraine headaches.

Reasons cause CoQ10 decline:
aging (45-50 and older),
certain prescription medications (like statins - cholesterol-lowering drugs) .
CoQ10 overdose

There is not enough information to determine if there is a level of overdose for this nutrient. However, it can interfere with other medications and can cause side effects as well. Some interactions include blood thinning medications, medications to treat cancer, and medications to lower blood pressure. CoQ10 might cause nausea and vomiting, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and reduce platelet counts. It may also decrease necessary oxygen to the body during intense exercise. This coenzyme should be avoided by pregnant and nursing women as safety has not been established.

Daily Recommended Intake

It is rare for a healthy person to have a deficiency in CoQ10 because the human body produces it enough. But in case of medication, recommended amounts of Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) vary depending on the condition being treated. However, these amounts range from 50 mg to 1200 mg per day in two or more doses spread out throughout the day.

Sources of Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone)

The following foods have high amounts of CoQ10:
• Beef heart (100g) - 11.3 mg;
• Chicken heart (100g) - up to 13.0 mg;
• Pork heart (100g) - 12.8 mg;
• Soybean oil (100g) - up to 28.0 mg;
• Olive oil (100g) - up to 16.0 mg;
• Grapeseed oil (100g) - up to 7.3 mg;
• Sardine (100g) - up to 6.4 mg;
• Pork or beef liver (100g) - up to 5.4 mg;
• Pork or beef muscle (100g) - up to 4.5 mg;
• Peanuts (100g) - 2.7 mg.

Other important sources of CoQ10:
• Salmon;
• Tuna;
• Broccoli;
• Avocado;
• Spinach;
• Grape.

Why "Q10"?

Why "Q10"? This coenzyme was first discovered in 1957 by researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison Enzyme Institute and headed by Professor Fredrick L. Crane. It is also called ubiquinone. The "Q" stands for this nutrient belonging to the "Quinone" groups of chemicals, while the "10" refers to the number of isoprenyl units in its chemical structure.

We advise ...  

Boost your  energy with Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 Life Extension

Boost your  energy with Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 Life Extension

Do you know
... that almost 95% of energy in the human body is produced with the participation of CoQ10?
... that CoQ10 is vital for normal functioning of organs whose work requires a lot of energy, like brain, heart, pancreas, and kidney?
... that even though the body produces CoQ10 by itself, aging leads to CoQ10 severe decline? So, people 45 years old and older strongly recommended taking this supplement.
  • What people say ...

  • Share your experience


I am 47 years old. When I put my attention to CoQ10 supplement (a half year ago), I looked for ways to improve my short memory. Actually, I didn't feel its decline but felt kind of "not enough" for the requirements of my tense life

... so, after about a few days of CoQ10 intake, I felt less tired in the evening, especially after gym exercises. And after about two weeks, I felt the memory improvement that I looked for.
